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Removing the Xbox Front Panel (AKA bezel/face plate)

Okay this one was not that obvious to me.  That thing is on there good and it is easy to break the 3 tabs or crack the case take your time and be careful.  the goal is to remove the front panel without tearing the whole Xbox apart.  You would need to do this if you were planning to paint it, install different color LED's in the power switch or just replace the power switch.  This can be accomplished while the cover is off but the rest of the Xbox is assembled.

Start by opening the console and removing the top cover.  Next disconnect the yellow cord coming from the front panel.  Notice the three tabs at the front bottom on the inside of the case.  You will not need to remove the USB daughter board or USB connections but you can if it makes for easier access to the tabs.


Some sort of prying device is needed.  If you use something narrow like a screw driver you will definitely gouge up the plastic.  A metal ruler is a decent option but they are not quite thick enough.  Aluminum bar stock works well, it is 1 1/2" wide and 1/8" thick.

Start at the right front corner, slide in the tool


push it all the way forward


pry outwards


and pop that side is loose


now release the tabs while twisting the face forward away from the console, 1,2,3 pop pop pop


done deal!



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