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Everything posted by InsaneNutter

  1. For me it was the ability to use XBMC and emulators on the TV. Back then I'm sure as many of you will agree their was no better way to get your media on to the TV than a modded Xbox. Region free DVD players were uncommon and DVD players that could also play Divx / Xvid we're niche and more expensive than an Xbox at the time. In addition to video the Xbox could also play MP3's, view your family photos, stream internet radio and emulate many past consoles. No other device at the time came close to the functionality of a modded Xbox. The Xbox games were a nice bonus in some ways. However I think its fair to say playing split screen Halo & Halo 2 with friends on XLink Kai certainly got me more in to console gaming than I was at the time.
  2. I think its just a given Halo and Halo 2 are on the list, however some other games I enjoyed included: Burnout 3: Takedown Conker: Live & Reloaded Midtown Madness 3 The Simpsons Hit and Run TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Unreal Championship (notable mention for split screen play) The games below got Xbox ports, however are better on the PC in my opinion: Doom 3 GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas Half-Life 2 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 Need for Speed: Most Wanted Need for Speed: Underground
  3. Thank you @Xbox-Scene - the light theme is a great improvement!
  4. Firstly, great to see a new Xbox Forum launch! Hopefully this forum can grow and be as active as the original Xbox-Scene forum. The option for a “light” mode theme, or the ability to change the forum colours so the text is not light text on a dark background would be a great accessibility option. At the moment I find the forum is very difficult to read due to the text having a visual fuzzing. This blog has a good example of what the text on the forum looks like to me: jessicaotis.com/academia/never-use-white-text-on-a-black-background-astygmatism-and-conference-slides/ I understand from running a forum you will never please everyone haha, I do think this would be a great accessibility option for future update however. Thanks for reading and best of luck with the forum!
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