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Everything posted by HoRnEyDvL

  1. Version 1.2.0


    Baku Baku X is a clone of the Sega game Baku Baku. User Guide: You must line up falling blocks of animals and foodstuffs. When an animal is aligned adjacent to a tile of its favored food, the animal eats the food. Larger groups of connected food of the same type scores higher when eaten. When animals eat foodstuffs, they also make random blocks fall on the opponent's area, right after the currently falling blocks. The object of the game is to make one's opponent unable to place more blocks. Options are saved when you hit (EXIT) in options menu. Controls: D-Pad/Left-Stick - Control the falling blocks A - Rotates the blocks X - Enable/Disable Sound effects Y - Start/Stop Music B - Change background (random) Start - Pause menu Menu: D-Pad - Navigate A - Selection B - Return Screenshots: Known Issues: The only known problem is that the eating is still not perfect, but if you learn what trips the eat engine, you will get around it.
  2. Baku Baku X View File Baku Baku X is a clone of the Sega game Baku Baku. User Guide: You must line up falling blocks of animals and foodstuffs. When an animal is aligned adjacent to a tile of its favored food, the animal eats the food. Larger groups of connected food of the same type scores higher when eaten. When animals eat foodstuffs, they also make random blocks fall on the opponent's area, right after the currently falling blocks. The object of the game is to make one's opponent unable to place more blocks. Options are saved when you hit (EXIT) in options menu. Controls: D-Pad/Left-Stick - Control the falling blocks A - Rotates the blocks X - Enable/Disable Sound effects Y - Start/Stop Music B - Change background (random) Start - Pause menu Menu: D-Pad - Navigate A - Selection B - Return Screenshots: Known Issues: The only known problem is that the eating is still not perfect, but if you learn what trips the eat engine, you will get around it. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  3. View File Atom-X Atom-X is a 2-player board game. It is a port of SDL-Toms original by Tom Barnes-Lawrence. Features: Game Runs. 2 player support (no AI). identifiers for the cells. controls working. graphics working. Sound. Player X wins screen. User Guide: Players alternate turns, on your turn, chose a cell on the grid to place your atom. If you place 4 of your atoms on the same cell it explodes and puts an atom in each of the surrounding cells. If your opponent has an atom in one of the cells that gets an atom placed in it in this way, you gain control of the cell and his atoms are destroyed. To win you must destroy all the other players atoms. Note: Don't use the quit option, just chose start game at the main menu. Controls: Main menu: Left-Stick - Navigate menu Start - Choose option In game: Left-Stick - Navigate the grid A - Choose current cell Start - Return to menu Screenshots: Credits: Special Thanks To Lantus and FreakDave. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  4. Version 2.0.0


    Atom-X is a 2-player board game. It is a port of SDL-Toms original by Tom Barnes-Lawrence. Features: Game Runs. 2 player support (no AI). identifiers for the cells. controls working. graphics working. Sound. Player X wins screen. User Guide: Players alternate turns, on your turn, chose a cell on the grid to place your atom. If you place 4 of your atoms on the same cell it explodes and puts an atom in each of the surrounding cells. If your opponent has an atom in one of the cells that gets an atom placed in it in this way, you gain control of the cell and his atoms are destroyed. To win you must destroy all the other players atoms. Note: Don't use the quit option, just chose start game at the main menu. Controls: Main menu: Left-Stick - Navigate menu Start - Choose option In game: Left-Stick - Navigate the grid A - Choose current cell Start - Return to menu Screenshots: Credits: Special Thanks To Lantus and FreakDave.
  5. View File Asteroids This is a remake of the classic Asteroids arcade game. User Guide: You must destroy as many asteroids as you can while avoiding enemy ships and of course the asteroids themselves. One good shot and you're toast so watch your back. Your ship has some really cool physics that take into account thrust, direction, and speed. Pressing L to speeds your ship up and pressing left or right will turn you counter-clockwise or clockwise in a 360 degree rotation. This allows for some quick manuevering when trying to avoid asteroids or dodge enemy ship fire. Controls: D-Pad - Rotate L - Accelerate R - Stop A - Shoot Start - Begin game, Quit Credits: Thanks to: laZmike, Noxz, kev2, g0at3r, #xfactor and #xboxopensource. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a remake of the classic Asteroids arcade game. User Guide: You must destroy as many asteroids as you can while avoiding enemy ships and of course the asteroids themselves. One good shot and you're toast so watch your back. Your ship has some really cool physics that take into account thrust, direction, and speed. Pressing L to speeds your ship up and pressing left or right will turn you counter-clockwise or clockwise in a 360 degree rotation. This allows for some quick manuevering when trying to avoid asteroids or dodge enemy ship fire. Controls: D-Pad - Rotate L - Accelerate R - Stop A - Shoot Start - Begin game, Quit Credits: Thanks to: laZmike, Noxz, kev2, g0at3r, #xfactor and #xboxopensource.
  7. View File Arcadian Tactics Arcadian Tactics is a homebrew game made by HCF. It is created as a tribute to all the people that made possible the Xbox scene. In all these years, many people have contributed to make the scene become the greatest, with homebrew games, ports, emulators, applications, libraries, skins, rumbles, xtras... Thanks to all that people, now we can play in our Xbox with lots of games and lots of classical videogames characters. Now, in Arcadian Tactics, all these classical videogames characters face their ultimate mission: all they fight together to save the universe... and to say big thanks to everybody who made this possible. User Guide: Story November 2011, Evil wizard Ghormoor has come from a parallel universe, he has got the Dark Gem of Destruction, and with its powerfull magic, he wants to subjugate the world. The only chance to fight with this evil wizard is Princess Kiryela, a young girl born in the woods, daughter of a mage and an elf, who appears to be immune to every kind of magic. She is the only one who can fight with Ghormoor. But Ghormoor is awared of this, and he has summoned lots of classical videogame evil characters to try to kill Kiryela before she can arrive to Ghormoor. Luckily, Kiryela is not alone. All the videogame heroes are going to protect and escort her, trying to guide Kiryela to the final battle versus Ghormoor. Kiryela is not a powerfull warrior, so our heroes must protect her in any case. In this game, you will play with lots of classical videogame heroes: Ryu, Ken, Captain America, Richter Belmont, Rastan, Captain Commando, Billy and Jimmy Lee, Bub & Bob, Joe & Mac, Pitfall Harry, Wonderboy... All them will guide Kiryela to save our universe. The Game Arcadian Tactics is a tactical game. You control a team of brave warriors to protect and guide Kiryela stage after stage, to finally defeat Ghormoor. In the beginning, you start your mission with 3 characters: princess Kiryela, and you can choose 2 more characters from the classical "Street Fighter 2" staff. Each character has its own combat values, and a special ability: Ryu and Ken have projectile attacks, Blanka has a surrounding attack, Chun-Li can dodge some hits, and so on... These characters are NOT well-balanced, and this has been made purposely. This way, you can try lots of combinations of characters, and this is a way to modify the difficulty of the game. You will have to combine wisely the special abilities of your characters if you want to success. Furthermore, you will easily see that each special ability needs a special strategy to maximize its effects (for example, if you choose Honda and Ken, you will see that a good strategy is putting Honda in front of your army because he has a good defense value, and Ken can be placed behind Honda, launching lots of Hadoken's from the distance). Each level is a board of squared cells that is randomly generated. One of these cells is marked with the EXIT word, and your ultimate goal is driving all your characters to this EXIT cell, to go to the next stage. This will not be easy, because lots of classical videogame villians will appear in every stage to try to stop you. The villians are also randomly generated, so you will never play two identical matches. This game has been designed trying to have a lot of replayability value. If you manage to drive all your characters to the EXIT, you will advance to the next stage. Of course, this is not necessary: you can simply try to KILL every enemy in the stage, and when this is done, you will advance to the next stage easily too. But don't forget that, if the combat seems to be too tough, the main goal is trying to reach the EXIT cell, and it's not mandatory to kill every enemy. Furthermore: the main goal is to protect Kiryela. If Kiryela dies, the game is over. If one of your other character dies, the game continues, although next stages will be very difficult if you have lost one of your heroes. So, remember: try to keep alive your 3 characters, and mainly Kiryela. Each 5 rounds, a new ally character will join your party!! You will play with lots of classical videogame heroes. This ally characters are less powerfull than your 2 main characters, but their help will be mandatory if you want to progress in the game, because every stage will be more and more difficult. Even more: some of these ally characters have special abilities too. Use them wisely! Characters gain experience when they fight. When they have gained enough experience, they will LEVEL UP, and their combat values (Strength, Defense and Stamina) will increase. Try to LEVEL UP your characters! The rule of the experience is easy: a character gains a bit of experience each time that he attacks (or counter-attacks). If the hit KILLS the enemy, the amount of obtained experience is much more higher. Furthermore: the more powerful the enemy is, the more EXP points will you get if you attack or kill him. Combat Rules Arcadian Tactics is a turn-based game. In each turn, you can move once every character in your army. When your turn ends, every enemy character will make his move, and then it will be your turn again. When you move a character, you can perform two things: first of all, you can move your character to one of the accessible squares (the accessible squares depend of your character's speed and abilities). After moving, your character can perform an action. This action can be an attack, or a special action like healing himself (if your character has this special ability). You cannot attack AND make a special action in the same turn. When a character attacks an enemy, this enemy will perform a counter-attack. But this has a limitation: every character (ally or enemy) can only perform ONE counter-attack per turn. So, if a character is surrounded by many enemies and all of them attack him, he will only counter-attack to the first received hit (unless he has a special ability that enables him to counter-attack more times). In the board, there are HOLES. Your characters cannot place in holes if they don't have the special ability "WALK-BY-HOLES". But all the enemy characters CAN place themselves in the holes, because they are specters-like bodies, guided by the magic of Ghormoor. Beware of this. Special Abilities This is a description of the special abilities that a character can have. A character can only have one (or zero) special abilities: Projectile Attack: Normal characters can only attack to adjacent enemies. But characters with projectile attack can attack distant enemies Even more: the projectile attack cannot be counter-attacked, so it is a very useful ability. Examples: Ryu, Ken, Bub, Bob. Increasing Strength: The strength of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very powerful. Examples: Zangief. Increasing Defense: The defense of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very tough. Examples: Honda. Increasing Stamina: The stamina (life) of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very hard to kill. Examples: ???. Surrounding Attack: When the character attacks an enemy, he will damage EVERY adjacent enemy. Even more: only the enemy attacked will be able to counter-attack. So, if you are surrounded by a weak enemy and a strong enemy, you will prefer to attack the WEAK enemy. The strong character will be damaged too, but you will not suffer his strong counter-attack. Examples: Blanka. Two-Counterattacks: Normal characters only can perform one counter-attack per turn, so they have a hard time when they are surrounded by several enemies. Characters with this special ability can perform two counter-attacks per turn, so they can fight with several units with better chances of success. Examples: Guile. No-Counter Attack: When a normal character attacks, he will suffer a counter-attack from the damaged enemy (if he is still alive). Characters with this special ability can attack without receiving counter-attacks. Example: ????. Dodge-Move: Characters with the dodge ability will dodge some attacks (when a character dodges, he receives 0 damage). The chance of dodging a hit is random, but there is a rule: a faster character has a bigger chance to dodge than a slower one with the same ability. For example, Chun-Li is a fast character and will dodge around 50% of the hits, but Donkey-JR is faster and he will dodge around 75-80% of the attacks. Example: Chun-li, DonkeyKongJR. Yoga-Power: This special power is a combination of two abilities: the character can TELEPORT himself to every cell in the board instead of making a normal move (with the exception of the holes). After teleporting, your character can perform an attack, and these attacks cannot be counter-attacked. So, Yoga Power is the combination of TELEPORTING and NO-COUNTER-ATTACK. Example: Dhalsim. Healing: After moving, these characters can choose between performing an attack (pressing Button A like every normal character) or HEALING themselves by pressing Button X. Healing will recover 5 points of stamina, and you can heal yourself once per turn. Example: Cormano, Homer Simpson Conga Attack: After moving, these characters can choose between performing a normal attack (pressing Button A like every normal character) or making the powerful "Conga Attack" by pressing BUTTON X. This "Conga Attack" will hit 7 times to one enemy of the screen. The Conga Attack is very powerful but has some limitations: first of all, you can only perform "Conga Attack" once per stage (so, use it wisely). *Second, you cannot choose which enemy will be damaged by the "Conga Attack" (it will be selected randomly between all the enemies that stay alive). And third, you will not earn any experience from "Conga Attack" hits: you will see that you character is not the one that is hitting. Example: The Mask. Dragon_Slayer: Characters with this ability, have a big bonus when attacking dragons, so they make more damage when they fight with these creatures. There is no bonus when defending from dragons. Example: Dirk the Daring. Undead_Slayer: Characters with this ability, have a bonus when attacking the undead bosses (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and Medusa), so they make more damage when they fight with these creatures. There is no bonus when defending from them. Example: Richter Belmont. Walk By Holes: Normal characters cannot place themselves in the holes of the board. But some small characters have the ability "Walk by holes", and they can hide themselves in the holes of the board. Furthermore: characters with this ability, gain a bonus in combat when they are hidden in a hole (they make more damage and they receive less damage). Example: Wonderboy, Pitfall-Harry. NOTE: All the enemy characters can walk by holes because they are guided by the magic of Ghormoor, but they are not "hidden" there, so they don't have any combat bonus when they are placed in a hole. Cowaray: Yes, this IS a special ability. Coward characters cannot die. When a coward character is hit and his stamina reaches zero, the character runs away to the exit. He does not fight anymore in that stage... but if you manage to advance to the next stage, the coward character will be available again in your army. Example: Norimaro. NOTE: In the final battle versus Ghormoor, as there is no "exit" in the stage, coward characters fight bravely as usual characters (in fact, they cannot run away). This is the only situation where a coward character can die. Bosses Every 10 levels, you will face a BOSS. Bosses are special villians with special abilities that will force you to use special strategies to defeat them. These are the bosses: LEVEL 11 - BARON VON BUBBA: This character from the game Bubble Bobble is immortal, so don't waste your hits trying to damage him. The goal of this stage is simply reaching the Exit!! (you can try to kill all the enemies except Baron Von Bubba, if you want). LEVEL 21 - WORM: A giant worm will go out of the Exit cell. Its head is the only part where you can damage it. So, you can try to kill the worm, or maybe wait until it goes out of the exit entirely, to try to scape. LEVEL 31 - MANDARA: This boss is inspired in the epic Mandara boss of the game Shinobi. A collection of Mandara statues will push (and damage) your characters. Try to break a way to the exit before being squashed. LEVEL 41: CASTLEVANIA COCKTAIL: In this level, you will face Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and Medusa. Both are very powerful enemies, so... good luck. LEVEL 51: GHORMOOR AND MINIONS: This is the final level, and the goal is killing Ghormoor. But there is a big dificulty: only Kiryela can damage Ghormoor. This was the reason why all your heroes tried to escort Kiryela during the game. The rest of your characters will not be able to damage Ghormoor, so don't waste their hits with him. Instead of that, use the rest of your characters to kill the minions, so that Kiryela could have a chance to fight with Ghormoor. After level 51, you have won the game!!! But the game will let you the chance of keeping fighting if you want to know how long can you go. Saving/Loading Game You can save the status of your quest during the game, by pressing the START button during a combat. You have 5 slots where you can save different games, so select the slot that you prefer, and the game will be saved in it. If a slot already has a saved game, it will have printed the number of the last stage that you managed to beat. If another day you want to load the game to continue your quest, you can do it by pressing the START button in the initial screen of the game where you select your characters (instead of selecting two characters to start a new game, simply press START). You will be prompted which slot you want to load. The slots that have saved games, will have printed the number of the last stage that you managed to beat when you saved. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can save a game in the middle of a combat, but when you load the game you will restore the situation in the beginning of the stage. But this has not been tested deeply, so it is recommended to save the game always at the beginning of a combat. IMPORTANT NOTE 2: At the moment, this game saves the quest in the same folder of the game. So, if you are playing from a DVD, you will not be able to save your quest. Sorry. Unlockables If you manage to arrive to Stage 31, the game will tell you a secret trick, and you will be able to unlock every character of the game by pressing a sequence of keys in the Title Screen. If you do it, you will be able to choose any good character to begin the game (not only the Street Fighter II staff). Adding characters Yes, you can add your own characters to this game. If you want to do that, please read the ADDING.txt document. Controls: D-Pad - Move the cursor by the screen A - Make selections, Move, Attack B - De-select a character Y - End your turn X - Perform special actions (e.g. heal, Conga attack) L - Undo (only available before making your attack) R - If cursor on character, show character info (Name, Level, Speed, Combat Values, Experience...) Start - Save game (during a combat), Load game (in the initial screen) Select - Quit current game and return to initial screen White - Enable/Disable displaying help related to the controls (in the lower part of the screen) White+Black - Quit the game and return to the dashboard Screenshots: Credits: This is a tribute to everybody contributing to the Xbox scene. They made possible to play in our Xbox with all the classical videogame characters appearing in this game, and many more. Thank you very much. It is impossible to name them all, but of course you can think about the enormous work made by Xport, Madmab, Freakdave, A600, Lantus, RessurectionX... and many many more. Thanks too to all the people involved in the creation of the Xtras and the Emuxtras site (RessurectionX, you are an inspiration for us). Thanks to all the people who created spritesheets and made them available for everybody. I made some of the spritesheets myself, but I reused some other from The Spriters Resource site, so thanks to Lord Zymeth, Hokuto No Kenshiro, Belial, SonicFreak, Caffeine Ripper, Wing Wang Wao, Dolphman, Random Talking Bush, Grim, The Shirt Ninja, Cyrus Annihilator, and Maneko. Big thanks to my brother too, as he helped me a lot in the beta-testing stage, and gave me lots of good ideas to make the game better. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  8. Version 1.1


    Arcadian Tactics is a homebrew game made by HCF. It is created as a tribute to all the people that made possible the Xbox scene. In all these years, many people have contributed to make the scene become the greatest, with homebrew games, ports, emulators, applications, libraries, skins, rumbles, xtras... Thanks to all that people, now we can play in our Xbox with lots of games and lots of classical videogames characters. Now, in Arcadian Tactics, all these classical videogames characters face their ultimate mission: all they fight together to save the universe... and to say big thanks to everybody who made this possible. User Guide: Story November 2011, Evil wizard Ghormoor has come from a parallel universe, he has got the Dark Gem of Destruction, and with its powerfull magic, he wants to subjugate the world. The only chance to fight with this evil wizard is Princess Kiryela, a young girl born in the woods, daughter of a mage and an elf, who appears to be immune to every kind of magic. She is the only one who can fight with Ghormoor. But Ghormoor is awared of this, and he has summoned lots of classical videogame evil characters to try to kill Kiryela before she can arrive to Ghormoor. Luckily, Kiryela is not alone. All the videogame heroes are going to protect and escort her, trying to guide Kiryela to the final battle versus Ghormoor. Kiryela is not a powerfull warrior, so our heroes must protect her in any case. In this game, you will play with lots of classical videogame heroes: Ryu, Ken, Captain America, Richter Belmont, Rastan, Captain Commando, Billy and Jimmy Lee, Bub & Bob, Joe & Mac, Pitfall Harry, Wonderboy... All them will guide Kiryela to save our universe. The Game Arcadian Tactics is a tactical game. You control a team of brave warriors to protect and guide Kiryela stage after stage, to finally defeat Ghormoor. In the beginning, you start your mission with 3 characters: princess Kiryela, and you can choose 2 more characters from the classical "Street Fighter 2" staff. Each character has its own combat values, and a special ability: Ryu and Ken have projectile attacks, Blanka has a surrounding attack, Chun-Li can dodge some hits, and so on... These characters are NOT well-balanced, and this has been made purposely. This way, you can try lots of combinations of characters, and this is a way to modify the difficulty of the game. You will have to combine wisely the special abilities of your characters if you want to success. Furthermore, you will easily see that each special ability needs a special strategy to maximize its effects (for example, if you choose Honda and Ken, you will see that a good strategy is putting Honda in front of your army because he has a good defense value, and Ken can be placed behind Honda, launching lots of Hadoken's from the distance). Each level is a board of squared cells that is randomly generated. One of these cells is marked with the EXIT word, and your ultimate goal is driving all your characters to this EXIT cell, to go to the next stage. This will not be easy, because lots of classical videogame villians will appear in every stage to try to stop you. The villians are also randomly generated, so you will never play two identical matches. This game has been designed trying to have a lot of replayability value. If you manage to drive all your characters to the EXIT, you will advance to the next stage. Of course, this is not necessary: you can simply try to KILL every enemy in the stage, and when this is done, you will advance to the next stage easily too. But don't forget that, if the combat seems to be too tough, the main goal is trying to reach the EXIT cell, and it's not mandatory to kill every enemy. Furthermore: the main goal is to protect Kiryela. If Kiryela dies, the game is over. If one of your other character dies, the game continues, although next stages will be very difficult if you have lost one of your heroes. So, remember: try to keep alive your 3 characters, and mainly Kiryela. Each 5 rounds, a new ally character will join your party!! You will play with lots of classical videogame heroes. This ally characters are less powerfull than your 2 main characters, but their help will be mandatory if you want to progress in the game, because every stage will be more and more difficult. Even more: some of these ally characters have special abilities too. Use them wisely! Characters gain experience when they fight. When they have gained enough experience, they will LEVEL UP, and their combat values (Strength, Defense and Stamina) will increase. Try to LEVEL UP your characters! The rule of the experience is easy: a character gains a bit of experience each time that he attacks (or counter-attacks). If the hit KILLS the enemy, the amount of obtained experience is much more higher. Furthermore: the more powerful the enemy is, the more EXP points will you get if you attack or kill him. Combat Rules Arcadian Tactics is a turn-based game. In each turn, you can move once every character in your army. When your turn ends, every enemy character will make his move, and then it will be your turn again. When you move a character, you can perform two things: first of all, you can move your character to one of the accessible squares (the accessible squares depend of your character's speed and abilities). After moving, your character can perform an action. This action can be an attack, or a special action like healing himself (if your character has this special ability). You cannot attack AND make a special action in the same turn. When a character attacks an enemy, this enemy will perform a counter-attack. But this has a limitation: every character (ally or enemy) can only perform ONE counter-attack per turn. So, if a character is surrounded by many enemies and all of them attack him, he will only counter-attack to the first received hit (unless he has a special ability that enables him to counter-attack more times). In the board, there are HOLES. Your characters cannot place in holes if they don't have the special ability "WALK-BY-HOLES". But all the enemy characters CAN place themselves in the holes, because they are specters-like bodies, guided by the magic of Ghormoor. Beware of this. Special Abilities This is a description of the special abilities that a character can have. A character can only have one (or zero) special abilities: Projectile Attack: Normal characters can only attack to adjacent enemies. But characters with projectile attack can attack distant enemies Even more: the projectile attack cannot be counter-attacked, so it is a very useful ability. Examples: Ryu, Ken, Bub, Bob. Increasing Strength: The strength of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very powerful. Examples: Zangief. Increasing Defense: The defense of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very tough. Examples: Honda. Increasing Stamina: The stamina (life) of the character is increased by +1 every 3 rounds. If you manage to advance some rounds, your character will be very hard to kill. Examples: ???. Surrounding Attack: When the character attacks an enemy, he will damage EVERY adjacent enemy. Even more: only the enemy attacked will be able to counter-attack. So, if you are surrounded by a weak enemy and a strong enemy, you will prefer to attack the WEAK enemy. The strong character will be damaged too, but you will not suffer his strong counter-attack. Examples: Blanka. Two-Counterattacks: Normal characters only can perform one counter-attack per turn, so they have a hard time when they are surrounded by several enemies. Characters with this special ability can perform two counter-attacks per turn, so they can fight with several units with better chances of success. Examples: Guile. No-Counter Attack: When a normal character attacks, he will suffer a counter-attack from the damaged enemy (if he is still alive). Characters with this special ability can attack without receiving counter-attacks. Example: ????. Dodge-Move: Characters with the dodge ability will dodge some attacks (when a character dodges, he receives 0 damage). The chance of dodging a hit is random, but there is a rule: a faster character has a bigger chance to dodge than a slower one with the same ability. For example, Chun-Li is a fast character and will dodge around 50% of the hits, but Donkey-JR is faster and he will dodge around 75-80% of the attacks. Example: Chun-li, DonkeyKongJR. Yoga-Power: This special power is a combination of two abilities: the character can TELEPORT himself to every cell in the board instead of making a normal move (with the exception of the holes). After teleporting, your character can perform an attack, and these attacks cannot be counter-attacked. So, Yoga Power is the combination of TELEPORTING and NO-COUNTER-ATTACK. Example: Dhalsim. Healing: After moving, these characters can choose between performing an attack (pressing Button A like every normal character) or HEALING themselves by pressing Button X. Healing will recover 5 points of stamina, and you can heal yourself once per turn. Example: Cormano, Homer Simpson Conga Attack: After moving, these characters can choose between performing a normal attack (pressing Button A like every normal character) or making the powerful "Conga Attack" by pressing BUTTON X. This "Conga Attack" will hit 7 times to one enemy of the screen. The Conga Attack is very powerful but has some limitations: first of all, you can only perform "Conga Attack" once per stage (so, use it wisely). *Second, you cannot choose which enemy will be damaged by the "Conga Attack" (it will be selected randomly between all the enemies that stay alive). And third, you will not earn any experience from "Conga Attack" hits: you will see that you character is not the one that is hitting. Example: The Mask. Dragon_Slayer: Characters with this ability, have a big bonus when attacking dragons, so they make more damage when they fight with these creatures. There is no bonus when defending from dragons. Example: Dirk the Daring. Undead_Slayer: Characters with this ability, have a bonus when attacking the undead bosses (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and Medusa), so they make more damage when they fight with these creatures. There is no bonus when defending from them. Example: Richter Belmont. Walk By Holes: Normal characters cannot place themselves in the holes of the board. But some small characters have the ability "Walk by holes", and they can hide themselves in the holes of the board. Furthermore: characters with this ability, gain a bonus in combat when they are hidden in a hole (they make more damage and they receive less damage). Example: Wonderboy, Pitfall-Harry. NOTE: All the enemy characters can walk by holes because they are guided by the magic of Ghormoor, but they are not "hidden" there, so they don't have any combat bonus when they are placed in a hole. Cowaray: Yes, this IS a special ability. Coward characters cannot die. When a coward character is hit and his stamina reaches zero, the character runs away to the exit. He does not fight anymore in that stage... but if you manage to advance to the next stage, the coward character will be available again in your army. Example: Norimaro. NOTE: In the final battle versus Ghormoor, as there is no "exit" in the stage, coward characters fight bravely as usual characters (in fact, they cannot run away). This is the only situation where a coward character can die. Bosses Every 10 levels, you will face a BOSS. Bosses are special villians with special abilities that will force you to use special strategies to defeat them. These are the bosses: LEVEL 11 - BARON VON BUBBA: This character from the game Bubble Bobble is immortal, so don't waste your hits trying to damage him. The goal of this stage is simply reaching the Exit!! (you can try to kill all the enemies except Baron Von Bubba, if you want). LEVEL 21 - WORM: A giant worm will go out of the Exit cell. Its head is the only part where you can damage it. So, you can try to kill the worm, or maybe wait until it goes out of the exit entirely, to try to scape. LEVEL 31 - MANDARA: This boss is inspired in the epic Mandara boss of the game Shinobi. A collection of Mandara statues will push (and damage) your characters. Try to break a way to the exit before being squashed. LEVEL 41: CASTLEVANIA COCKTAIL: In this level, you will face Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and Medusa. Both are very powerful enemies, so... good luck. LEVEL 51: GHORMOOR AND MINIONS: This is the final level, and the goal is killing Ghormoor. But there is a big dificulty: only Kiryela can damage Ghormoor. This was the reason why all your heroes tried to escort Kiryela during the game. The rest of your characters will not be able to damage Ghormoor, so don't waste their hits with him. Instead of that, use the rest of your characters to kill the minions, so that Kiryela could have a chance to fight with Ghormoor. After level 51, you have won the game!!! But the game will let you the chance of keeping fighting if you want to know how long can you go. Saving/Loading Game You can save the status of your quest during the game, by pressing the START button during a combat. You have 5 slots where you can save different games, so select the slot that you prefer, and the game will be saved in it. If a slot already has a saved game, it will have printed the number of the last stage that you managed to beat. If another day you want to load the game to continue your quest, you can do it by pressing the START button in the initial screen of the game where you select your characters (instead of selecting two characters to start a new game, simply press START). You will be prompted which slot you want to load. The slots that have saved games, will have printed the number of the last stage that you managed to beat when you saved. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can save a game in the middle of a combat, but when you load the game you will restore the situation in the beginning of the stage. But this has not been tested deeply, so it is recommended to save the game always at the beginning of a combat. IMPORTANT NOTE 2: At the moment, this game saves the quest in the same folder of the game. So, if you are playing from a DVD, you will not be able to save your quest. Sorry. Unlockables If you manage to arrive to Stage 31, the game will tell you a secret trick, and you will be able to unlock every character of the game by pressing a sequence of keys in the Title Screen. If you do it, you will be able to choose any good character to begin the game (not only the Street Fighter II staff). Adding characters Yes, you can add your own characters to this game. If you want to do that, please read the ADDING.txt document. Controls: D-Pad - Move the cursor by the screen A - Make selections, Move, Attack B - De-select a character Y - End your turn X - Perform special actions (e.g. heal, Conga attack) L - Undo (only available before making your attack) R - If cursor on character, show character info (Name, Level, Speed, Combat Values, Experience...) Start - Save game (during a combat), Load game (in the initial screen) Select - Quit current game and return to initial screen White - Enable/Disable displaying help related to the controls (in the lower part of the screen) White+Black - Quit the game and return to the dashboard Screenshots: Credits: This is a tribute to everybody contributing to the Xbox scene. They made possible to play in our Xbox with all the classical videogame characters appearing in this game, and many more. Thank you very much. It is impossible to name them all, but of course you can think about the enormous work made by Xport, Madmab, Freakdave, A600, Lantus, RessurectionX... and many many more. Thanks too to all the people involved in the creation of the Xtras and the Emuxtras site (RessurectionX, you are an inspiration for us). Thanks to all the people who created spritesheets and made them available for everybody. I made some of the spritesheets myself, but I reused some other from The Spriters Resource site, so thanks to Lord Zymeth, Hokuto No Kenshiro, Belial, SonicFreak, Caffeine Ripper, Wing Wang Wao, Dolphman, Random Talking Bush, Grim, The Shirt Ninja, Cyrus Annihilator, and Maneko. Big thanks to my brother too, as he helped me a lot in the beta-testing stage, and gave me lots of good ideas to make the game better.
  9. View File AmphetamineX This is a port of the 2D platformer Amphetamine to the Xbox. Amphetamine is a cool Jump'n Run game offering some unique visual effects. User Guide: Use the the magic weapons to fight eleven evil monsters. Controls: D-Pad - Move A - Jump X - Attack B - Activate/action button (switches, etc) Black/White - Cycle current weapon Press Left Thumbstick to enable cheating. While cheating, your oxygen/health never decreases. Screenshots: Media: Credits: Lantus for porting SDL, Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a port of the 2D platformer Amphetamine to the Xbox. Amphetamine is a cool Jump'n Run game offering some unique visual effects. User Guide: Use the the magic weapons to fight eleven evil monsters. Controls: D-Pad - Move A - Jump X - Attack B - Activate/action button (switches, etc) Black/White - Cycle current weapon Press Left Thumbstick to enable cheating. While cheating, your oxygen/health never decreases. Screenshots: Media: Credits: Lantus for porting SDL,
  11. View File Aliens Vs. Predator This is an unofficial port of the PC version of Aliens Vs Predator to the Xbox. This port is designed to be used with the Gold Edition of Aliens Vs Predator only User Guide: Install Aliens Vs Predator onto a Windows machine. Copy over all the contents of your Aliens Vs Predator install folder from the Windows machine, e.g. everything in C:\Program Files\Fox\Aliens versus Predator, or wherever else you might have installed it. Copy the default.xbe file from the archive this readme file is located in to your xbox hard drive. Media: Known Issues: Most of the menu text is tiny. Water doesn't render. Framerate might not be always 100% smooth. Don't expect multiplayer to work. If it does, it'll be LAN only and is likely to be unplayable. Some sounds might be missing. Crashes. Various minor graphical oddities that shouldn't affect gameplay. Controls could be a bit iffy. The movement isn't smooth. You'll go from not moving to running instantly. No FMV or Music playback yet. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is an unofficial port of the PC version of Aliens Vs Predator to the Xbox. This port is designed to be used with the Gold Edition of Aliens Vs Predator only User Guide: Install Aliens Vs Predator onto a Windows machine. Copy over all the contents of your Aliens Vs Predator install folder from the Windows machine, e.g. everything in C:\Program Files\Fox\Aliens versus Predator, or wherever else you might have installed it. Copy the default.xbe file from the archive this readme file is located in to your xbox hard drive. Media: Known Issues: Most of the menu text is tiny. Water doesn't render. Framerate might not be always 100% smooth. Don't expect multiplayer to work. If it does, it'll be LAN only and is likely to be unplayable. Some sounds might be missing. Crashes. Various minor graphical oddities that shouldn't affect gameplay. Controls could be a bit iffy. The movement isn't smooth. You'll go from not moving to running instantly. No FMV or Music playback yet.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Aftershock Pool SX is an original homebrew pool game for the Xbox. It features solid gameplay, and a nice table editor. There is no AI, so grab some friends before you play. User Guide: Game Types include 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Cut Throat (3 players), Red Vs Blue© and Mini-Golf-Pool©. This game ships with no music so you'll want to have custom soundtracks. Screenshots: Media: Credits: Thank you Gamedev.net samples for help with the physics. Thanks Xantium. Thanks Iriez. Greetings to lantus, jsz, kl0wn, crashover, ken0sis, hsdemonz, h3inrich, cheesyman, blak101, hulken the swede, xarann, Odb718, giantnewb, uberjim, me33 the leet haxxor, wishi, and my best friend freakdave.
  14. View File Aftershock Pool SX Aftershock Pool SX is an original homebrew pool game for the Xbox. It features solid gameplay, and a nice table editor. There is no AI, so grab some friends before you play. User Guide: Game Types include 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Cut Throat (3 players), Red Vs Blue© and Mini-Golf-Pool©. This game ships with no music so you'll want to have custom soundtracks. Screenshots: Media: Credits: Thank you Gamedev.net samples for help with the physics. Thanks Xantium. Thanks Iriez. Greetings to lantus, jsz, kl0wn, crashover, ken0sis, hsdemonz, h3inrich, cheesyman, blak101, hulken the swede, xarann, Odb718, giantnewb, uberjim, me33 the leet haxxor, wishi, and my best friend freakdave. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  15. View File AbuseX This is a port of the game Abuse-SDL. It's a 2D action/shooting/platformer. User Guide: It can take a while to load the program and also to save the game. If you think it has stalled, wait for a couple of minutes first. You must be playing the game in order to resize the screen. While in resize-mode, use the left and right analog sticks to change the size. Press Start to confirm. Some of the audio tracks are cut off at the end due to the problems with converting HMI files into MP3 files. Controls: Use an XBox controller plugged into port #1. D-Pad/Left-Stick - Move character Right-Stick - Move cursor, aim weapon R - Fire weapon, Select menu items L - Activate special power A - Change weapon (right) X - Change weapon (left) Y - Toggle cheat mode White - Resize screen Black - Pause game Back - Exit/cancel Start - Confirm text message, Unpause Screenshots: Credits: Lantus for porting SDL Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  16. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This is a port of the game Abuse-SDL. It's a 2D action/shooting/platformer. User Guide: It can take a while to load the program and also to save the game. If you think it has stalled, wait for a couple of minutes first. You must be playing the game in order to resize the screen. While in resize-mode, use the left and right analog sticks to change the size. Press Start to confirm. Some of the audio tracks are cut off at the end due to the problems with converting HMI files into MP3 files. Controls: Use an XBox controller plugged into port #1. D-Pad/Left-Stick - Move character Right-Stick - Move cursor, aim weapon R - Fire weapon, Select menu items L - Activate special power A - Change weapon (right) X - Change weapon (left) Y - Toggle cheat mode White - Resize screen Black - Pause game Back - Exit/cancel Start - Confirm text message, Unpause Screenshots: Credits: Lantus for porting SDL
  17. Version 3.0.0


    Abombniballx is a XBOX port, which makes use of lantus' SDLx library. The original game was made by Martin Donlon (Akawaka). User Guide: The objective of Abombniball is to defuse all the explosives on each level. As a ball, this would normally be a simple task, however each level is filled with traps and devious puzzles placed there by...oh...lets say "Dr. Y-Front", your arch-nemesis (he's very evil). These traps take the form of special tiles which disappear or do other nasty things. Grey Tile - A solid tile. He never falls away and abandons you like all those other tiles. He's always be there for you. Blue/Green/Red Tile - These all vanish after you leave them. Leaving a gapping hole in the grid and an empty space in your heart. 2 Tile - More caring and forgiving than those selfish color tiles. You can bounce on these submissive fellas twice before they vanish. Blue Arrow - Rude fellows. Shove you in whatever direction the arrow is pointing. Red Arrow - Even ruder still. They make you jump in whatever direction the arrow is pointing. You defuse bombs by landing on the bombs square, however you can only defuse the bomb that's currently counting down. Trying to defuse any other bomb will cause it to explode. Each level provides you with a certain amount of jumps, they are limit so use them with care. Controls: D-Pad/Thumbsticks - Move A (hold) - Jump Screenshots: Known Issues: Exit won't work. It will crash your XBOX instead. Just reset your XBOX manually.
  18. View File Abombniballx Abombniballx is a XBOX port, which makes use of lantus' SDLx library. The original game was made by Martin Donlon (Akawaka). User Guide: The objective of Abombniball is to defuse all the explosives on each level. As a ball, this would normally be a simple task, however each level is filled with traps and devious puzzles placed there by...oh...lets say "Dr. Y-Front", your arch-nemesis (he's very evil). These traps take the form of special tiles which disappear or do other nasty things. Grey Tile - A solid tile. He never falls away and abandons you like all those other tiles. He's always be there for you. Blue/Green/Red Tile - These all vanish after you leave them. Leaving a gapping hole in the grid and an empty space in your heart. 2 Tile - More caring and forgiving than those selfish color tiles. You can bounce on these submissive fellas twice before they vanish. Blue Arrow - Rude fellows. Shove you in whatever direction the arrow is pointing. Red Arrow - Even ruder still. They make you jump in whatever direction the arrow is pointing. You defuse bombs by landing on the bombs square, however you can only defuse the bomb that's currently counting down. Trying to defuse any other bomb will cause it to explode. Each level provides you with a certain amount of jumps, they are limit so use them with care. Controls: D-Pad/Thumbsticks - Move A (hold) - Jump Screenshots: Known Issues: Exit won't work. It will crash your XBOX instead. Just reset your XBOX manually. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  19. View File AbbayeX AbbayeX is a port of the freeware platform game L'Abbaye des Morts for Xbox. It is a retro 2D game created by the Spanish coder Locomalito. Features: Retro style with pure 2D graphics (available in 8-bit or 16-bit style). Chiptune music. Addictive gameplay and challenging (no saves, the full game can be beat in one session). Controls: Left/Right - Move to the left/right Down - Duck A - Start a new game X - Jump Back - Exit to the dashboard White/Black (title screen) - Display information of the game, Toggle 8bit/16bit graphics Screenshots: Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    AbbayeX is a port of the freeware platform game L'Abbaye des Morts for Xbox. It is a retro 2D game created by the Spanish coder Locomalito. Features: Retro style with pure 2D graphics (available in 8-bit or 16-bit style). Chiptune music. Addictive gameplay and challenging (no saves, the full game can be beat in one session). Controls: Left/Right - Move to the left/right Down - Duck A - Start a new game X - Jump Back - Exit to the dashboard White/Black (title screen) - Display information of the game, Toggle 8bit/16bit graphics Screenshots:
  21. View File 2H4Ux 2H4Ux is a port of the open source puzzle game 2H4U to the Xbox. It is a mix between a Tetris-like game and a wall breaker by the team I4GOT MY BRAIN. It requires good reflexes, coordination, and ambidexters should have some advantages. User Guide: 2H4U is made up of two parts : the section on the bottom is very similar to Breakout, while the upper section is a form of the game Tetris. For the upper part of the game, you must align the bricks (using the moving and rotational buttons) to form horizontal lines. Once a line is completed filled up with the bricks (as well as on the left side as on the right side of the screen), the line will disappear and you will be given points. For the bottom part of the game, or the Breakout part, you must make sure not to lose the ball in handling your "bat" or "racket". When the ball hits a colored brick, the brick becomes grey. Note that the ball goes through grey bricks. Once all of the bricks in a line are grey, that line disappears and you are given points. The game ends (Game Over) when you have no more balls, or when the upper part gets filled up to the top of the screen. Note: You can edit RESOLUTION file to change resolution. Controls: L/R or Right-Stick - Paddle Control D-Pad/Left-Stick Left - Move Tetromino Left D-Pad/Left-Stick Right - Move Tetromino Right D-Pad/Left-Stick Down - Speed Tetromino Decent D-Pad Up or B - Tetromino Rotate A - Tetromino Fast Drop Right-Stick Thumb - Open Screen Adjust Start - Pause Game Back - Exit Game Media: Known Issues: Changing resolution does not work properly. Credits: Lantus for porting SDL, Hyper_Eye for updating it, Pierre-Yves Ricau for making the game. Everyone at EmuXtras. Submitter HoRnEyDvL Submitted 07/10/23 Category Homebrew Games  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    2H4Ux is a port of the open source puzzle game 2H4U to the Xbox. It is a mix between a Tetris-like game and a wall breaker by the team I4GOT MY BRAIN. It requires good reflexes, coordination, and ambidexters should have some advantages. User Guide: 2H4U is made up of two parts : the section on the bottom is very similar to Breakout, while the upper section is a form of the game Tetris. For the upper part of the game, you must align the bricks (using the moving and rotational buttons) to form horizontal lines. Once a line is completed filled up with the bricks (as well as on the left side as on the right side of the screen), the line will disappear and you will be given points. For the bottom part of the game, or the Breakout part, you must make sure not to lose the ball in handling your "bat" or "racket". When the ball hits a colored brick, the brick becomes grey. Note that the ball goes through grey bricks. Once all of the bricks in a line are grey, that line disappears and you are given points. The game ends (Game Over) when you have no more balls, or when the upper part gets filled up to the top of the screen. Note: You can edit RESOLUTION file to change resolution. Controls: L/R or Right-Stick - Paddle Control D-Pad/Left-Stick Left - Move Tetromino Left D-Pad/Left-Stick Right - Move Tetromino Right D-Pad/Left-Stick Down - Speed Tetromino Decent D-Pad Up or B - Tetromino Rotate A - Tetromino Fast Drop Right-Stick Thumb - Open Screen Adjust Start - Pause Game Back - Exit Game Media: Known Issues: Changing resolution does not work properly. Credits: Lantus for porting SDL, Hyper_Eye for updating it, Pierre-Yves Ricau for making the game. Everyone at EmuXtras.
  23. Agreed. So much as been lost which is such a shame, looking forward to watching the community grow and so what is preserved,
  24. The Good Old Bombodore hahaha
  25. Their mum is going to be pissed that they ruined 2 rugs haha.
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