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  1. Yes, my favorite franchise! But now, I need more time to do more ports of classic Sonic ... The port of Sonic CD came out quickly because the decompilation code is very similar to that of Sonic Nexus, which I previously ported, so it was just a matter of adapting a few things.
  2. Hello, it's me again, now bringing the port of Sonic CD to the Original Xbox. For it to work, you need to place the game assets in the same folder as the .xbe. There is more information on the github page. The next Retro Engine ports (v4 and v5) should take a little longer to come out, as I need to rest a little and focus on other points in my personal life, but I promise it won't take long to return with the ports. https://github.com/danielgpinheiro/RSDKv3-xbox
  3. When I thought about the idea of starting ports for the Original Xbox, I had (and still have) the desire to port the decompilation of Sonic Mania (RSDKv5), but I saw that this would require an experience in ports that I don't have (yet). So I decided to go in baby steps, to gain experience, so I studied and made my first port for the Xbox, Celeste Classic (https://github.com/danielgpinheiro/ccleste-xbox) After this port done, where I learned a lot, I'm starting a series of Retro Engine ports, which will start from version 1 (which runs Sonic Nexus), next version 3 (Sonic CD 2011), version 4 (Sonic 1 and 2 2013), and version 5 (which runs Sonic Mania). The first port of this series is complete, which is the RSDKv1 for the Xbox, which runs the Sonic Nexus fan game. Who is interested, the link to the repository: https://github.com/danielgpinheiro/RSDKv1-xbox
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