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  1. My console is chipmodded. Shouldn't work both region games?
  2. Hi. I have my 1.6 Xbox with Aladdin and these last days, when booting a few DVD non original games, a few original games or as well as HDD games, the screen turns black. They were running in the past. It happpens with Dakar II, Toca Race Driver 3 and some others. Already deleted cache and save games
  3. From where did you buy that little chip? AliExpress?
  4. Do you know if AliExpress have these ones available? I bought the first version from them.
  5. We should have a sub-board with diferent languages. It would encourage more people around the world to join us if their English skills are not that good. A lot of foruns use this.
  6. What is the diference between this chip and the normal Aladdin?
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