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  1. Hey everyone! The days of using a DOS Boot disc to load HDDHackr are finally over. https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2024/08/13/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-32-an-alternative-to-hddhackr/
  2. Original xbox console name and how to change it Have you ever noticed in games like Halo CE how your console has a name from this list? Donut Penguin Stumpy Whicker Shadow Howard Wilshire Darling Disco Jack The Bear Sneak The Big L Whisp Wheezy Crazy Goat Pirate Saucy Hambone Butcher Walla Walla Snake Caboose Sleepy Killer Stompy Mopey Dopey Weasel Ghost Dasher Grumpy Hollywood Tooth Noodle King Cupid Prancer These were console names straight from the factor Author founchki Category Member Submitted Tutorials Submitted 07/11/24 02:53 AM  
  3. Have you ever noticed in games like Halo CE how your console has a name from this list? Donut Penguin Stumpy Whicker Shadow Howard Wilshire Darling Disco Jack The Bear Sneak The Big L Whisp Wheezy Crazy Goat Pirate Saucy Hambone Butcher Walla Walla Snake Caboose Sleepy Killer Stompy Mopey Dopey Weasel Ghost Dasher Grumpy Hollywood Tooth Noodle King Cupid Prancer These were console names straight from the factory to help differentiate consoles in System-link games, but did you know you can change this? If you’re on a stock console, you can do the following: (thanks to Rocky5 for this list!) You can change/set the name. You just need a copy of one of these games and complete the necessary steps: Dead or Alive 3 - Play Survival or Time Attack mode until you rank in the top ten. Name entered for the scoreboard will be your new Xbox name. Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Create a Live nickname (Live not required). Nickname entered will be your new Xbox name. Cel Damage - Create and save a profile. Profile name will be your new Xbox name. MotoGP - Same as Cel Damage. If you’re on a modded console(hard or soft modded!), you can do the following: Using UnleashX, you can go to settings, then System, and the third option will be Xbox Name, Press A on this and then you can set the name of your console Press save, reboot your console and you’ll have a custom console name :)
  4. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MC2TMR4 Someone has reported this as working with UDMA5 on cerbios, similar to China Adaptor 2, just slightly different model number, ymmv
  5. thats the plan ive been in talks with Harcroft so we can get a larger list of dumps of hw ID's so a newer one can be made with LOTS more compatibility
  6. While this doesn't seem like it needs to be made, with the increase of people tsopping and modding their xbox, Xblast is a tool that is very valuable in this case However, not all controllers work with Xblast (assuming because of hard coding of what usb ID's are built into Xblasts code) Heres a list of working controllers confirmed by the community: Both 1st party controllers are fully supported Microsoft Xbox Duke Controller OEM XBOX X08-17160 XBox "S" Style Controller (any colour variation) Interestingly, its been reported by members of the Xbox scene discord that Xblast also supports some 3rd part controllers: MadCatz MicroCon Wired Controller
  7. atm Rammstein and deadmau5, with a little bit of Red Vox thrown in
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