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  1. Shalx

    Modxo v0.1 Released

    Modxo v0.1 is now Released! New features: - Doesn't require LFrame wire for versions 1.0-1.5 - D0 pin can be controlled by GPIO (This will help in a future to enable/disable the Internal Tsop BIOS) - There is a new UF2 Generator based on javascript, so now the bios uf2 images can be generated using a browser. (https://shalxmva.github.io/modxo/) - The project now features a logo, it is an Axolotl, so modxo is pronounced as "Modsho" This is a big step for Modxo, because it is now easier to install on all versions, and only one wiring diagram is used (https://github.com/shalxmva/modxo)
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