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  1. The language of Capcom Fighting Jam (GLO) and Street Fighter Anniversary Coll (GLO) is not the same as the language setting of the game console. When launched with Exox M8Plus, the game language is changed correctly, so I think this is a problem with Cerbios V2.4.2 Beta. Please fix this in the next update.
  2. Hello, I think it's probably a BIOS bug so I'm reporting it. XBOX HARDWARE VERSION:1.0 RAM TOTAL:64MB HDD SIZE:2TB VIDEO REGION:NTSC CONSOLE REGION:2 DEFAULT DASH:XBMC GAME:CAPCOM FIGHTING JAM (GLO) GAME:STREET FIGHTER ANNIVERSARY COLL (GLO) GAME FORMAT: (XISO/CCI/FOLDER) Cerbios V2.4.2 Beta CAPCOM FIGHTING JAM (GLO) and STREET FIGHTER ANNIVERSARY COLL (GLO) are multilingual, but even if i set the Xbox console's language to Japanese, the in-game language will be English. Halo2 (GLO) is in Japanese normally, so I think it's a BIOS problem.
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