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Dark Destiny

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Everything posted by Dark Destiny

  1. I guess it's a nice idea to have topic for full covers or default.tbn/default.jpg files made by users. Some simple rules for this topic. Just pictures, no discussion! Post only covers made by you. The files should be in png/jpg/tga/pdn. The last 2 would be nice if you allow the user to use your work to create a new cover. Note for those who don't know. To get a .tbn file just change the ending .jpg to .tbn. Default size for X4G is 256x384px. So let me start with the Chimp cover I made. The pdn can be changed and reuploaded. Chimp.pdn
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkIyKe6wHzQ
  3. MS MR - BTSK
  4. Klaus Wolf. He has a online store (www.wolfsoft.de). XBox ram upgrade 199,- Euros. XBox Recap 199,- Euros as well. And so on and on. He is very well known in görmany for overpricing.
  5. Nope. But there is one on ebay.de: https://www.ebay.de/itm/115280222429?hash=item1ad73c98dd:g:TIwAAOSwS0ViI2Xu And on kleinanzeigen.de was one but in a pretty lame config and mostly not wörking for ~600,- Euros. There is not realy much known about these cases. The most infos got lost when Evox.de has closed, just a old manual of the case can be found. As far as I know the case was made by a user of the Evox.de board ~2003 and not much of them got produced.
  6. Well... Nothing special - I think. :D ;)
  7. Downset - Eyes Shut Tight.
  8. PAL console at default settings. If I try to load the pal game exploid with 480p/720p enabled the exploid will not work. In 720p and set to NTSC the picture is perfect.
  9. No they don't. The caps are new and not only the 3 in front the cpu. That sounds pretty filthy.
  10. The answer is yes, yes it is. However, it has a little downside. Watch the video below and bring some solutions or questions if you have any.
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