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Dark Destiny

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Dark Destiny last won the day on February 21

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About Dark Destiny

  • Birthday 08/12/1975

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  1. 16KB - up to 256GB 32KB - 256GB to 512GB 64KB - 512GB to 1024GB (1TB) 128KB - 1TB to 2TB 256KB - 2TB to 4TB 512KB - 4TB to 8TB 1024KB - 8TB to 16TB
  2. Alright so lissen carefully. After you have softmoded your console there is no need to keep or update the folder. I gives you now adavantage and the dashes and bios are the same. And even you need a newer bios jus t replace the fucking bios.bin file in the pbl on C and done. Simple as that. EVething else is for PROFESSIONALS which you are oblivous not. And to be super on point here, I will not respond to any more postings from you cuz I think, it's simply a waste of time and you simply aint get the point what this here is and why it is how it is and that updating the folder is srsly bullshit.
  3. It even works by clicking install but let me say, you replace a cerbiosbfm with, guess what, a cerbiosbfm. WHY? It shows just you aint have a clue what you are doing. BUT here is the proof that even loading cerbiosbfm (PBL / install.xbe) works without problem by replacing it with it self from the UDATA.
  4. I cant help my self but, somehow get those Bowlsnapper vibes.... Anyway. Here is the video proof that the softmod does what it should do and works without problems.
  5. First of, have you watched the video which is in the first post (version 2.4.1. ?) That one shows that it works (ofc it's testet and confirmed working) and how to get Cerb SM installed or Rocky5's SM and how to go from Rocky5's SM to his Cerb version and back. Also and even more important is, that this here isn't a installer as you may know it like OGXBox Installer, TruHeXEn, Slayers you name it . It's only purpose is to bring a stock xbox to a softmod and thats it. Here is no extras disc like you know it from Rocky nor is it ment to be update anything. It's basicly for ppl who know what they are donig and how the update a PBL bios and apps ect.. For all others Rocky5's SMT with it's shadowC and extras disc is the way to go. And cuz I don't know what you have done and what ever you thought you may update I cant give you any help. So again, DO NOT usw this to update. Do your updates by hand on your own cuz thats what this is - A tool for pros who are know what they do.
  6. Even more noteworthy is that it wasn't planed to be on there in the first place and it will be 99% gone in the next build.
  7. I can't tell you cuz IDK the specs of your xbox. Do you have a softmod running and if so which or do you have a chip/tsop insde your xbox? And the Cerbios update function is made to use with the Rocky5's softmod which is in this pack and not for the one Rocky5 it self provided. So clearly I need more infos to answer your question. Maybe there is one in the XBMC`s (I don't use those). In unleashx is a option " <AutoTurnOff>0</AutoTurnOff> " which you may have activatet?
  8. A nice modern box art for UnleashX
  9. Updatet the installer. I added the option to switch strait from the Cerbios Softmod to Rocky5's Softmod. I also added the option to launch the Installer from the UX Dash. And I fixed a stupid delete bug in the back to stock option. Everyone who has the softmod installed can simply delete the 21585554 folder in UDATA and replace it with the new one.
  10. Cerbios tool? Atm the 1.2.3. release aint even load the new bios and needs a update. Thats why I said edit the cerbios.ini it self. Replace your ini with the one I have attached which has 480p enabled. Also replace the cerbios.bin in your pbl folder which is on C with the bios I have attached. If you stlll like to go back to Rocky's, just FTP over the the needed files and install it. You can launch the installer in the UX File manager. cerbios.ini Cerbios.bin
  11. If you like to enable 480p just set it to true in the Cerbios.ini on C. ; Forces AV Modes That Would Normally Be Rendered At 480i to 480p. Requires 480p Set In MS Dash And Component Cables Force480p = True The softmod on install should be basic as possible which I do here. Here you can see what iotion does what in the cerbios.ini That depends on where you like to go? Just back to stock? Faststet way is to delete the xboxdash.xbe and rename the xb0xdash.xbe to xboxdash.xbe. And a couple of post above there is a video from Mr. Mario2011.
  12. Just a question about how big or small the MC/MU/USB-Stick is you usualy use on your XBox.
  13. Yes, if you use the original ENDGAME files with the rest of the "Flasher & Dash" pack, it will mostliky fail since this is a modded version which copies over 3 files instead of just 1. How ever, it should copy the payload.xbe file and launch as a stock UX without any "installer/flasher" option. The revision of the xbox doesn't matter. The devs have testet the exploid carefuly so there should be no problem and as long as your XBox can see the usb stick and you can access the files on it you're good. About the black screen. It can happen with green blinking LED. I assume that something timed out when launching the payload.xbe since I saw the files will get copied over. but that's wild guess from my side (Maybe one of the Devs can look into it.). When re-launching the exploid again it works like it should. That being said, same can happen with the old game save exploids. One other thing you may can try out if you like is, the ENDGAME DVD launcher. Thats just one file and enables you to boot the Cerbios Disc, OGXBox Installer 1.9.3 and TrueHeXEn 2024 Unofficial on stock XBoxes.
  14. So I made a video. Works like it should. Video only shows when logged in.
  15. You use this here only to flash the bios remotely. Everthing elese after that will need an installer disc to either setup your HDD or to dump your eeprom (and maybe unlock in one go) and setup your HDD on your PC with Fatxplorer 3.0. SO this one here is for PROs only. If you like flash cerbios and have a dash installed in one go, use this : Yes, we think of everyone.
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