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Thairanny last won the day on February 24 2024

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  1. If anyone is interested in getting some Lightscribe disks, the guy I bought from re-posted the listing, so he probably has bulk. I only paid $1.20 each for DVD-R. https://www.ebay.com/itm/196196774280?hash=item2dae3d3188:g:AYQAAOSwEVVlpfGB
  2. Wicked, thanks for the template! I ended up getting some Lightscribe disks on eBay. Gonna try it out with this Cerbios label you made, although after my rough test, I think a lot of it may get cut off. I've never actually used light-scribe, but I don't think the surface is as large as a normal printable DVD. If it turns out nice I'll make up a case for it too.
  3. Do you have a recommended method of DVD label creation?
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