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Everything posted by nikeymikey

  1. In the way that the console didn't boot properly and Cerbios showed an error screen about incorrect UDMA modes. The cheapo adapters are hit and miss, always have been, always will be.
  2. I usually ONLY use Startech but as a already had these I thought I'd take a look at them.
  3. Just found a box with a few RXD-629A7-7 in them. They all seem to NOT be missing the resistors. Don't seem to like UDMA4 all that much tho... I will reflow the soldering on these later on before anyone pulls me on it
  4. You need to change the paths in each individual emulators configuration settings. That way each can have its own Saves folder etc.
  5. This is mine... Just a generic USB drive as far as I can tell. I used to work for Bosch years ago and they gave these out. It is the ONLY USB stick I have ever got my hands on that has been compatible with the XBox. Its 500mb.
  6. I did wonder if that was the case as the last release was dated May this year.
  7. Ah ok I just wondered if it was still happening. Another question if i may I've grabbed the latest cerbios tool from the github but 2.4.0 doesn't seem to want to load into it. Any ideas? I just want to apply my theme colours
  8. @Dempsey_86 A new release is always great, thanks Cerbios team. Have you heard anything on the Dual HDD mode yet?
  9. (PrometheOS) Prepare and Format new HDD. Not sure if its possible but this is the only thing that I miss from my X3 setup. Being able to Cerbios format a drive on the console would be the icing on the cake
  10. I stay away from 1.6 consoles so I've never had to worry about those 480p loaders or fixes. You are right in that it was a "Dirty Disc" error that I was getting with the straight Redump to CCI conversion for The Sims 2. It gave the error immediately at launch, before the first of the Maxis intro screens.
  11. So a patched xbe for the game running on a system that has no trace of EvoX as either a dash or a bios on it, somehow uses evox to boot this game? Thats impressive if thats the case lol
  12. @Dempsey_86 So it seems that a straight up CCI conversion of the Redump image for The Sims 2 (USA) results in a dirty disc error at launch. The compatibility list shows it as working. I tried converting it twice from a freshly downloaded Redump iso. Dirty Disc error both times. It can be fixed by extracting the game and using the patch from Rocky5 that is contained in the XBMC4Gamers scripts section to patch the xbe. It can then be converted back to CCI using the windows right click menu and then runs without issues. Can you update the compatibility list with this info??
  13. I tested most of the incompatible CCI games with Repackinator 1.4.4 as part of setting up my full CCI set. No change to any of them. Do we know if the team are actively looking to fix those few games or are they just never going to be compatible with CCI? Tbh it wasn't a huge deal as the space savings I got from using CCI for the majority of the set left plenty of room in a 2tb partition to fit the incompatible games as extracted or Xiso. But for the OCD people out there it is a minor annoyance not having pure CCI for the whole set tho
  14. @Dark Destiny These are really good, do you mind if I take them and convert them into _resource sets for XBMC4Gamers?
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