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  1. Not an important update, but 2.3.0, 2.3.1, and 2.3.2 all exhibit the same issues as I have reported before on all games tested
  2. Here is a MEGA link to video footage I took of several games on both Cerbios 2.0.3r and 2.3.1 https://mega.nz/folder/gohnnbJR#qb7AN0M4LKrZ4yCJ8SoHeA All games are split XISO, except for PGR which was a DVD Rip to loose file
  3. Crawled through the Discord chats and added what I could. 2 of the members didn't list their drives and I didn't see any pictures of them, so will update when I get the info
  4. This OP, for all intents and purposes, is to throw all the discussions of the issues reported by members of the Discord community into an easier to get to place. There seems to be an issue with NTSC 1.0 consoles when trying to play games or video content using Cerbios versions newer than 2.0.3r. Bellow are posts and pictures from the Discord discussions: An Imgur Gallery of all of the Xbox's posted by their users: https://imgur.com/a/IpHShIS Games known to have issues: Fatal Frame 2 NTSC (Eluid, xprotestthegyro) Project Gotham Racing NTSC (dj0wns) Project Gotham Racing 2 NTSC (dj0wns) Double Steal NTSC (dj0wns) Halo 2 NTSC (gregandcin) More to come...
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