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Everything posted by Fryman

  1. So I decided to try the installer on another Xbox and it works fine so it must be just something weird with my other box. Thanks again for all the help.
  2. The whole point of the question has been why in the latest version when I click on the install.xbe the console will just flash green and red that was the simple question what is causing it. Was hoping you just had an answer. Because as I said before this did not happen in the previous versions. I know how to get around it by installing the BIOS but that's not the question. I would think somebody would have an answer. I mean I can make a video and show you exactly what it does.
  3. All I can do is report what it's doing for me. I replaced that folder with the new one and the install does not come up for me I said all the console does is blink a green and red light but if I replace that folder with any of the previous versions it does work. I guess we will wait and see if anybody else has that same issue.
  4. Have no idea. Maybe it works using endgame but clicking install in last version with just copying the folder to Udata does not on my 1.6 and it did on previous versions soooo who knows. Like I said before I just get flashing red and green light after clicking install. I suppose I can revert to stock and try endgame seems crazy though.
  5. I watched the video and the first two versions worked correctly to install but the latest version does not work for me. All I did was copy the folder like I did before to the Udata and then ran the install from the correct folder but for whatever reason the latest version just gives me a green and red flashing light so I don't know. Only thing I know to do is just update the Bin file then in the latest version. 7-16-2024 version and 7-20-2024 versions will run ok from the Udata folder but not the latest.
  6. Decided to download the full installer the newest version and anytime I try to install it I just get a green and red flashing light. Strange also happening on lite version. However the 7-20-2024 version working.
  7. What is the best way to update cerbios with all these updates and new menu options? Roll back to rocky and then reinstall? So the new apps show in unleashx?
  8. Yes I was running Rocky 5 soft mod before installing this. So I think it's a fan speed problem for the 1.6 it looks like. I noticed there was a fix for that in the logs I'm not sure what it was doing before.
  9. For some reason ever since I installed this on my 1.6 console it seems to power off if idle after so long. Is there a power save setting or activity setting?
  10. Everything has been working great thanks again for all the help. Excellent job
  11. So is there a new download links? Thanks for all your hard work awesome stuff.
  12. For whatever reason a CCI file is not working not sure if I need something else to make them work. Never mind I think I was missing the proper xbe file.
  13. Does anybody use the faster refresh rate setting in unleashx and if so do you notice any difference especially with cerbios bfm.
  14. If I have the issue again I'll try that I appreciate all the help thanks.
  15. So this time I tried turning off 480p and 720P reset the system and then re-enabled them and now everything is working so I don't know maybe a glitch. Strange. I tried men of valor and artic thunder and worked without patches. Seems good now.
  16. I saved backups of everything so what's the easiest way to remove this to do some further testing and put it back to rocky5 without losing the games on the drive.
  17. I tried setting that in the .ini and it's not doing it. I'm also running the shepard hdmi adapter. I did not have this issue previously. Also tried cerbios tools with the current bin file but for whatever reason doesn't save force 480p in the bios.
  18. Is there a video or instructions on how to uninstall this?
  19. For some reason it does not seem to be forcing 480p otherwise seems to be working okay. I also have the version 1.6 console. Before I did this mod it was always forcing 480p using Rocky 5 and unleashX but then of course since this is a 1.6 some of the files had to be Patched for 480p.
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