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  1. That is great. I love how there are so many different ways to do things now with the ENDGAME exploit
  2. Thank you for showing that! Even with other Endgame packages, I have seen the 1st part of the exploit launch fail (freeze on green dashboard screen at launch), but that is easy enough to get around by shutting down and trying again. When I got Flash&Dashb to launch, I got past the 1st part of the exploit launch easily, and it brought me to an all-black screen, and I beleive the front LED was flashing red. I waitied for 5 minutes to see if anything would appear. But I guess this could just be because my environment is different. Mine is a 1.0, using a different USB dongle, and a Memorex USB stick, and I was using Port #4 (though I imagine port # should not matter). Maybe I just needed to try it a few more times. Later I will wipe the USB stick, re-copy Flash&Dash and try it again on another un-modded XBox, as it will be handy to have everything in 1 session ready-to-go.
  3. Yes ! Thank you - I did see that Flash&Dash one afterward in my other searches, and tried it out. I could get the exploit to launch, but sadly, it would then go to a black screen (with my xbox's front light flashing - i think it was flashing red?). So then I found a softmod package that uses ENDGAME and went that route. 1) Launched Softmod ENDGAME package (the Endgame zip from Rocky5 "Xbox Softmodding Tool.zip") --> at inital screen just hit Y to get my IP info --> FTP'd my preferred dash files and my bios file as \C\BIOS\bios.bin --> Shut down and launched this thread's ENDGAME XBlastOS flasher --> Flashed from HDD. And now I have Cerbios flashed to tsop!
  4. Hi. Thank you for posting this! Normally I would go in through Splinter Cell but wanted to try this more direct route to flashing. I have a truly stock v1.0. It's not even soft-modded. And I've done whatever bridges are necessary, and am ready to flash (I plan to flash the latest CERBIOS) But there's something I want to do before flashing, which is my usual FTP'ing of the the files of my preferred dashboard. Because if I go ahead right now and flash CERBIOS, it won't really have anything to launch on boot, except for the stock dash, which won't be helpful. I know that Cerbios will look for evoxdash.xbe first - I intend to name my dash executable that way. But I can't seem to FTP in. Does XBlastOS have ftp capability? (I'm thinking this is a "no", and would be a simple explanation). When I get into XBlastOS, I go into Settings -> System -> Network and I see DHCP is enabled. (Meaning none of the static settings below will be considered). Since XblasOS doesn't say what DHCP IP it has received from the router, I can reboot back into the stock dash, go into the network settings there, and I can see the IP address that has been assigned Automatically via DHCP. So I re-do the exploit, get back into XBlastOS, and try to connect via FTP using the IP address I noted earlier. But no joy there. So in short, I do see that Endgame is super useful, and a great exploit, but I can't see any progression if I don't get an opportunity to copy a dash over before flashing. I'd appreciate any input here! Thank you.
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