Hi. Thank you for posting this! Normally I would go in through Splinter Cell but wanted to try this more direct route to flashing.
I have a truly stock v1.0. It's not even soft-modded. And I've done whatever bridges are necessary, and am ready to flash (I plan to flash the latest CERBIOS)
But there's something I want to do before flashing, which is my usual FTP'ing of the the files of my preferred dashboard. Because if I go ahead right now and flash CERBIOS, it won't really have anything to launch on boot, except for the stock dash, which won't be helpful. I know that Cerbios will look for evoxdash.xbe first - I intend to name my dash executable that way.
But I can't seem to FTP in. Does XBlastOS have ftp capability? (I'm thinking this is a "no", and would be a simple explanation). When I get into XBlastOS, I go into Settings -> System -> Network and I see DHCP is enabled. (Meaning none of the static settings below will be considered). Since XblasOS doesn't say what DHCP IP it has received from the router, I can reboot back into the stock dash, go into the network settings there, and I can see the IP address that has been assigned Automatically via DHCP. So I re-do the exploit, get back into XBlastOS, and try to connect via FTP using the IP address I noted earlier. But no joy there.
So in short, I do see that Endgame is super useful, and a great exploit, but I can't see any progression if I don't get an opportunity to copy a dash over before flashing.
I'd appreciate any input here! Thank you.