Thanks for your reply,
The reason I missed that one was because I tested the cci games with a 1.6 console. With this 1.6 you needed to disable 480p and 720p in order to play the game on this revision (without using patches). Let it be that the game works fine with these resolutions disabled. There where other users reporting this too after the release of the sheet. I found out on my 1.4 console, if I disable 480p and 720p the game boots fine.
We found out that its not a cci/cerbios problem but a xbmc / xbmc4gamers / emustation problem. If you load the game with evox it boots fine.
Rockys patches are made to work around the games that have the xcal bug on 1.6 consoles. What his patches do is load the game with evox. Thats why your game loads now.
I did hope you had found a fix for xbmx / xbmc4gamers.