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JahnDough's RGH 3.0 No-Flasher Softmod-to-Hardmod Bridge Guide (Jasper Model)

Console: Xbox 360 Fat (Jasper - 16MB NAND)
Method: BadUpdate Exploit + RGH 3.0 (No Glitch Chip / No Hardware Flasher)
Author: JahnDough


This guide walks you through how to softmod a Jasper Xbox 360 using the BadUpdate exploit and turn it into a full RGH 3.0 hardmod without using a hardware NAND flasher. This method bridges the gap between softmod and hardmod, allowing full unsigned code execution with just a USB drive, a soldering iron, and a few components.

Tools & Materials


  • USB drive (FAT32)

  • Xbox 360 Hard Drive (must be connected for exploit to work)

  • Soldering iron (fine tip, ~350°C recommended)

  • Flux

  • Solder

  • Kapton tape

  • Shrink tubing (optional)

  • 91%+ isopropyl alcohol

  • Good lighting or headlamp

  • 30AWG wire (two colors recommended)

  • 22KΩ resistor

  • 1N4148 diode


Important Notes Before You Begin

  • For Jasper consoles with 16MB NANDs

  • Must be on dashboard 17559

  • Stock NAND + RGH3 wiring = RROD

  • RGH3 NAND with no wiring = RROD

  • Keep a hardware flasher on hand just in case

Step 1: Prepare & Run BadUpdate Exploit

  1. Follow MVG's video: https://youtu.be/IUK__yGXmds Uses Rock Band Blitz trial to trigger the exploit

  2. Load patched XEXMenu + Simple 360 NAND Flasher onto USB

  3. Boot exploit and launch NAND Flasher via XEXMenu

  4. Dump NAND:

    • flashdmp.bin

    • cpukey.txt

  5. Also launch XeLL to verify CPU key

  6. Back up everything to your PC

Step 2: Build RGH3 NAND Image

  1. Open J-Runner with Extras

  2. Load flashdmp.bin

  3. Paste in your CPU key

  4. XeBuild Options:

    • Kernel: 17559

    • Glitch: Glitch2

    • RGH: RGH3

    • MHz: 27

  5. Click Create XeBuild

  6. Copy updflash.bin to the USB drive with NAND Flasher

Step 3: Flash the RGH3 NAND

  1. Boot into exploit again

  2. Launch NAND Flasher

  3. Ensure updflash.bin is in the same folder

  4. Follow on-screen instructions:

    • Dumps NAND to recovery.bin

    • Flashes updflash.bin

  5. Red ring after flashing is normal

Step 4: RGH3 Wiring

❗ Follow MrMario2011’s tutorial (start at 38:49) for soldering instructions.

  • Only 2 wires, 4 solder points

  • Use 1N4148 diode + 22KΩ resistor as shown

  • No top-side points needed

  • Keep wires short, clean, and secure with Kapton tape

Step 5: First Boot

  • Reassemble and power on

  • Console should glitch into XeLL Reloaded

Boot times so far:

  • NXE Dashboard: ~22 seconds

  • XeLL: under 1 minute

Further testing ongoing, but it’s working reliably!


  • Patch all .xex files with XePatcher (XEXMenu, XeLL, NAND Flasher, etc.)

  • Never update the dash from Xbox Live

  • Never sign in to Xbox Live with this console

  • Never lose your NAND backups


Confirmed working on a Jasper. Testing on Slim consoles is coming next. This is a new RGH 3.0 method that bridges softmod and hardmod with no chip or flasher required.

Created and tested by: JahnDough

Original post on reddit : 




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