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   Note: This page is simply a mirror and maybe out of date compared to the main documentation.


    ---- OG Xbox Video Solutions ----
Revised - Feb 27 2025

Documenting every adapter/mod used to modify the OG Xboxs video and or audio output!

    ---- Disclaimer ----
With ongoing firmware updates to many of the products listed i cant guarantee all the stats on this page are accurate.
If you have missing info for any of the products listed please let me know and i will add it in / make corrections as nessesary.

    ---- Key ----
Make and Model          [Input Res, Processing] -> [Subsampling, Output Res]
* Links-to-make-or-purchase-or-reviews
(additional information of significance)

Ready to Use

    ---- External Available Now ----

RetroTink 4k                  [240p to 1080p, Upscaled -> 4:4:4, 4K]
* https://www.retrotink.com/product-page/retrotink-4k
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMkimgEwWXs

OSSC Pro                      [240p to 1080p, Upscaled -> 4:4:4, 1440p]
* https://videogameperfection.com/products/ossc-pro/
* https://github.com/marqs85/ossc_pro
(Open Source)

RetroTINK 5X Pro              [240P to 1080i, Upscaled -> 4:4:4, 1440p]
* https://www.retrotink.com/product-page/5x-pro

OSSC                          [480p/i to 1080i, Line Doubled -> 4:4:4, 960p/1080p]
* https://videogameperfection.com/products/open-source-scan-converter/
* https://github.com/marqs85/ossc
(Open Source)

Premade GBSC                  [480p/i to ???, Upscaled -> 4:?:?, 1080P]
* https://kaicolabs.com/product/kaico-gbs-control-video-converter-gbsc-rgbs-scart-ypbpr-signal-to-vga-hdmi/
(Partial Open source, See DIY section to make your own)
Electron Xout                 [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://electron-shepherd.com/products/electronxout
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGnJBpT5gf0

Xedusa + & Vedusa             [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://www.beharbros.com/xbox
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK8F5SG1N_s
(Sanded encoder, suspected "ADV 601LC")

XBHDA                         [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://www.ebay.com/str/retroteck
(Amp "THS7376")

EON XBHD                      [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://www.eongaming.tech/product-page/xbhd-1
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS91B7MBAuA

Retroverse Analog2HDMI        [480p/i to 1080p, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://consoles4you.ch/analog2hdmi?c=540
* https://x.com/Consoles4You/status/1560626300330524673
(Based on the "ElectronAnalog")

RetroTINK 2X-Pro/Mini/SCART   [240p to 480i, Line Doubled -> 4:2:2, 480p]
* https://www.retrotink.com/shop

RetroScaler2X                 [240p to 480i, Line Doubled -> 4:2:2, 480p]
* https://www.amazon.com/BITFUNX-RetroScaler2x-HDMI-Converter-Pass-Through/dp/B0C6XP7FY4?th=1
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnJg4H-O2AA
(RetroTINK 2X Classic clone)

* See CHEAP! section at bottom for more options

    ---- External Discontinued ----

XRGB Mini                     [480p/i to 1080i, Upscaled -> 4:2:2, 1080P]
* http://retrogaming.hazard-city.de/framemeister.html

RetroTINK 2X-M PRO            [480p/i, De-interlaced -> 4:2:2, 480p]
* https://consolemods.org/wiki/images/b/b8/RetroTINK_2X-M_PRO_Multiformat_Manual.pdf

RetroTINK 2X Classic          [240p to 480i, Line Doubled -> 4:2:2, 480p]
* https://consolemods.org/wiki/AV:RetroTINK-2X_Family
(Replaced by "RetroTINK 2X-Pro")

Chimeric Cable                [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://www.chimericsystems.com/home
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWeQDcwFBDU

XBOX HD AV Pack               [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCOCH5kKM7Y

Xbox Advanced AV Pack         [480i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtXNwmkaPaM

Neoya x2vga                   [480p to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://x2vga.com/

Professional Grade Upscalers
* http://retrogaming.hazard-city.de/

    ---- Internal Available Now ----

Intentionally Left Blank
* For legal reasons
(there are 2 options available)

    ---- Internal Discontinued ----

N64 Freak Internal HDMI
* https://www.xbox-scene.info/tutorials/article/11-n64-freak-internal-hdmi-mod/
* https://www.ogxbox.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1336-n64-freaks-internal-hdmi-mod-install/#comment-32036

MakeMhz - XboxHDMI (Rev 4B)   [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:4:4, Source]
(EOL March 2021, Replaced by "XboxHD+")

MakeMhz - XboxHD+ (Rev 5A)    [480p/i to 1080i, Upscale -> 4:4:4, 720p]
(EOL Oct 2022, Replaced by "Stellar XboxHD+")

DIY Projects
    ---- External ----
GBS-Control                  [480p/i to ???, Upscaled -> 4:?:?, 1080P]
* https://github.com/ramapcsx2/gbs-control/wiki/Build-the-Hardware
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmfR0XI5czI
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AVXhiTlmgo
(Partial Open Source)

GBS-C AIO                    [480p/i to ???, Upscaled -> 4:?:?, 1080P]
* https://github.com/amoore2600/GBS-C_AIO
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpU9nrA5cJY
(Open Source)

XOSVP                        [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://github.com/DiscoStarslayer/XOSVP
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG3aLLiJuXc
(Open Source, Amp "THS7316")

Wii2HDMI on Xbox             [480p/i to ???, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://www.ogxbox.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1103-wii2hdmi-on-xbox/
* https://www.xbox-scene.info/forums/topic/352-the-wii2hdmi-mod/#comment-550
* https://tkscustomsupermodz.com/products/xbox2hdmi-by-tek-nemesis-diy-kit
(Sewell Wii to HDMI Converter "SW-29756" are best available donors)

Custom Cables             [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2, Source]
* https://www.xbox-scene.info/forums/topic/650-diy-xbox-cable-pinouts-component-composite-scart-wii2hdmi-vga/#comment-1513
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNTi4QrQQO4

    ---- Internal ----

Ryzee119 Xbox HDMI           [480p, Passthrough -> 4:4:4, Source]
* https://github.com/Ryzee119/XboxHDMI-Ryzee119
(Open Source, Encoder "ADV7511")

Internal Wii2HDMI            [480p/i to ???, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://gbatemp.net/threads/cheap-xbox-hdmi-mod.503314/page-2#post-10265780
* https://tkscustomsupermodz.com/products/xbox2hdmi-internal-install-parts

ElectronAnalog               [480p/i to 1080p, Passthrough -> 4:?:?, Source]
* https://electron-shepherd.com/collections/all/products/electronanalog
* https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/xbox-classic-1-generation-electron-shepherd-hdmi-pcbs-1-70-set/2946619500-279-318
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJkqpfnjT5E
(Encoder "CV9886")

Xbox AVIP mod                [480p/i to 1080i -> Source]
* https://github.com/professor-jonny/Xbox-AVIP-mod
(Open Source)

Coming Soon

    ---- External ----
Morph 4K                    [480p/i to ???, Upscaled -> 4:4:4, 4K]
* https://www.pixelfx.co/morph4k
* https://youtu.be/ByZeQ1DatD8?t=1006
* https://consolemods.org/wiki/AV:RetroTINK-4K#Pro-Exclusive_Features
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvfWZ5coqCA

    ---- Internal ----

Open XHD
* https://twitter.com/OGX_Harcroft
(Check the xbox-scene discord for real time updates on this project)

Pixel FX Retro GEM
* https://www.pixelfx.co/product-page/retro-gem-universal-hdmi-upscaler-kit
(Xbox kits coming in the future)


    ---- External Available Now ----
EASYCEL Component to HDMI       [480p/i to 1080p, Passthrough -> 4:4:4? Source]
* https://www.amazon.com/EASYCEL-Component-Converter-Output-Adapter/dp/B07ZHF83G3/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Easycel&sr=8-2
(Encoder "Macro Silicon MS9282")

Portta - N3CVRH                 [480p/i to 1080p, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://www.port-ta.com/products/n3cvrh/
(Encoder "Macro Silicon MS9288A")

BitFunx HDMI Display Adapter    [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://www.bitfunx.com/product/hdmi-adapter-for-xbox-classic-retro-gaming-consoles-hd-cable-accepts-5-1-dolby-digital-surround-sound/
(Sanded Encoder)

XBox2Wii Component PRO          [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2 Source]
* https://x.com/Consoles4You
* https://classicgamestore.ch/xbox2wii-component-pro
(Use Wii component cables on the Xbox)

Hyperkin - Panorama HD Cable    [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://hyperkin.com/panorama-hd-cable-for-original-xbox-hyperkin-officially-licensed-by-xbox.html
Pound - HD Link                 [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://www.poundtechnology.com/original-xbox-v2
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28jVJkmIK3M

Kaico HDMI Display Adapter      [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://kaicolabs.com/product/original-xbox-hdmi-display-adaptor-with-optical-port/
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXmJ1RkMarU

Generic - "HDTV Converter - For Original XBOX"
(Encoder "Macro Silicon MS9288A")

LevelHike - "HD Compatible Cable"     [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://stoneagegamer.com/hd-compatible-cable-for-xbox-levelhike.html

    ---- External Discontinued ----

XBox2Wii Component Adapter      [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:2:2 Source]
* https://consoles4you.ch/xbox2wii-component-adapter?c=540
(Replaced by "XBox2Wii Component PRO")

Nimbus                          [480p/i to 1080i, Passthrough -> 4:?:? Source]
* https://www.etsy.com/listing/1256533295/discontinued-nimbus-hdmi-adapter-for-the?show_sold_out_detail=1
(Encoder "Macro Silicon MS9288A")

Context Zone   

--More Features to Consider--
* Digital audio out (Embedded HDMI)
* TOSLink / SPIDIF Inputs and Outputs
* Deinterlacer type (Bob,Weave,ex)
* Video Input / Output connection types
* Latency (buffered vs non buffered)
* Resolution transition times (time to resync going from 480i to 480p input)
* Your tv or capture cards accepted resolutions

    --Resources for Comparisons--
Comparing Some Popular Solutions
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GWdH9Mbiao
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMN69OK1n04
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oUA4dPUDvY
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9PB9VzPuN8

XB2HDMI vs Xedusa V1/V2
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gJhg8zHL-U

Resolution Transition Tests
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQPjCinjAXY

Lag Testing Popular Scalers
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VOsOuQ5mhM

Wii 2 HDMI Models Compared
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awuU_c-zOtQ

About Chroma Subsampling (4:4:4, 4:2:0 ex)
* https://www.4kshooters.net/2022/06/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about-chroma-subsampling-and-bit-depth/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_subsampling

Examples of Composite 480i Vs Component 480i vs Component 480p
* https://youtu.be/gepVy8Mwp6s?t=74
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdPOJhIKmDc

More Info about the XRGB Mini
* https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t=52828
* https://junkerhq.net/xrgb/index.php/XRGB-mini_FRAMEMEISTER
Retro RGB Xbox Page
* https://www.retrorgb.com/xbox.html

Chroma Sampling Test Suite
* http://pms.hazard-city.de/ExtronVector4KTestPattern.html


Edited by Friendo
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