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PC Apps & Utils: OgXHD

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What is it?
OgXHD is tool for patching Original Xbox games from 480p to 720p.

How does it work?
It scans an Xbox executable file (XBE) for two specific values that match the resolution for 480p within a certain specified range, then replaces them with the values for 720p. This is quite a crude method, and needs a lot of refinement, but it can sometimes work, although there are often graphically anomalies as the game would not have been designed to render in a different resolution.


How do I use it?

OgXHD comes with two database files, hdb.dat and wdb.dat. These contain the information for known hex modifications for HD and widescreen hacks. wdb.dat contains every patch found at http://ps2wide.net/xbox.html (excluding any that require modification of additional files). hdb.dat does not contain much, and is primarily a placeholder for now. These databases can be modified with a text editor (notepad is recommended). Information regarding the database format can be found within.
It is recommended to only use the database feature if there is a game listed on ps2wide.net that you wish to perform a widescreen hack to. If so, ensure Game Specific is checked. Leaving it unchecked can lead to unpredictable results.
16:9 - Selecting this tickbox will apply patches found in wdb.dat
720p - Selecting this tickbox will apply patches found in hdb.dat
Game Specific - This will apply any patches found within the databases that have a matching game ID. If left unchecked, every patch within the databases (if found) will be applied to the XBE.

Automatic 720p
Auto 720p - This scans the XBE for values matching 480p and replaces them with values for 720p
Window View - Attempts to correct the external resolution (recommended)

Scan Range
Once a value matching the horizontal resolution for 480p is found, it will the scan for the matching vertical value within the specified range. If that value is found, then both values are changed to the 720p resolution values.
Weak - Scan range of 8 bytes
Normal - Scan range of 16 bytes (recommended)
Aggressive - Scan range of 64 bytes
Custom - User specified range

Start/End Byte
Full - Searches the entire XBE (recommended)
Start - Allows user specified byte location to start searching from
End - Allows user specified byte location to stop searching to
Both - Allows user specified start and end byte locations

Patch XBE
Select the XBE file that you wish to patch. A new file with the patch applied will be created. This file will be named <filename>XHD.xbe. For example, if the chosen file is called default.xbe then the new patched file will be named defaultXHD.xbe.
You can then transfer this file to your Xbox and launch it via a file browser. If you choose to overwrite the original default.xbe file, then it is highly recommended that you make a back-up of the original first.

Special Thanks
This tool would not have been possible without zaykho, as it entirely based of information he has provided through his own


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