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SoftVMUX v3b03

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1 Screenshot

About This File

SoftVMUX - Sega Dreamcast VMU Emulator for XBox.

User Guide:

- Emulates the Sega Dreamcast VMU 

 - Excellent compatibility - ported from SoftVMU

Put games in the \VMUROMS directory


Default button mapping to enable rewind is BLACK+WHITE.
Once rewind is enabled, press LTRIGGER to actually rewind.




X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.

Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for me to ramble on. For encouragement in general.

RessurectionX for all that Xtra's stuff, synopsis, suggestions, etc.

Gilou9999 for a new PM3 skin, synopsis, suggestions, etc.

Bigby, Du0ph0ne, TheMaster3, Nytmar3 for some beta testing.

Comments of support from various interested parties.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.


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