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PcsXbox V23

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About This File

PCSXBox - PSX Emulator for XBox.

User Guide:

Almost everything can be changed from the configuration menu.  Here are the
things that require manual modifications to the PCSX.INI file included in
the package:

Samba share name - goes in the [GENERAL] section.  Example:


Screenshot directory - default is E:\SCREENSHOTS - goes in [GENERAL] section


Skin directory - where skins can be found.  Default is D:\EMUSKINS - goes in
[GENERAL] section.  Example:


If you change any of the above items, then you must upload the new PCSX.INI
file to your XBox, load up PCSXBox, then select "Force Reload D:\\*.ini 
Settings" from the Configuration menu.  Please note that this will overwrite
any of the setting changes you might have made after you first loaded


Select menu options with the DPAD or with R/LTrigger.  The speed of 
R/LTrigger movements can be controlled by :

Configuration -> Menu Scroll Speed

There are some places where you can enter or change values.  This 
can usually be done in a variety of ways include DPAD Left/Right, 
R/L Trigger, and L/R Thumb.  Try all of them if the values are changing
too slowly.




X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.

Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for me to ramble on. For encouragement in general.

Gilou9999 for a new PM3 skin, synopsis, suggestions, etc.

Bigby, Du0ph0ne, TheMaster3, Nytmar3 for some beta testing.

Comments of support from various interested parties.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.


What's New in Version V23   See changelog


PCSXBox - PSX Emulator for XBox v23

Updated to madmab edition interface CFv1b35. See "Interface Changelog.txt"
Bumped up the version number just for kicks.

"Lock free.. like it should be!"
"More features than you can shake a stick at!"

* Added in XA volume attenuation code from pcsx_re-armed.  This fixes the issue of the radio always playing in GTA 2.  This should also fix any games that rely on setting the XA volume to 0 to "turn off" sound or music.  Volume/control issues which existed in games that use XA for music should also be fixed.

* Added in option to "Enable XA Attenuation (GTA 2, etc)- Yes/No".  It defaults to No.  Although setting it to Yes fixes GTA 2 and possibly some other games having it on may cause a slight framerate loss and also some games seem to end up with distorted XA audio when using this code.  So for now we default to off.  Set it to "on" if you suspect that a game that uses XA audio is not properly functioning.  Just keep in mind that the framerate may drop some or the XA audio in cutscene movies may sound distorted as a result.

* Added global configuration option to "Show Playstation Logo Yes/No".  You can find it in Configuration->Global Emu Specific Options.  I'm sure XtecuterX73 will be a happy camper now. 😄

* Added in the multitap code from pcsx re-armed.  This allows many more "multitap" capable games to work correctly.  Previously the multitap option appeared to only work with "Micro machines v3".  The new code has been tested with the following games.  Crash Bash, Crash Team Racing, MicroMachines, NBA Hangtime, NBA Jam, Rampage Through Time and Rampage 2: Universal Tour.  Two games that do not appear to operate correctly are Blast Chamber and College Slam.  However this could just be other core related issues because those games seem to only function under the 1.5r core which handles the aforementioned multitap games just fine.

* Mouse control now works for all cores.  For some reason I had it only set for core 1.5.  (Doh!)

* Added in pcsx re-armed CD code for core 1.5 the "Use new CD code" has options No, Yes and Re-Armed now.  I have no idea if the Re-Armed cd code has any advantage over the other ones.  The only thing I do know is that Rayman does not work with it.

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