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Final Burn Consoles 1.2

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About This File

Final Burn Consoles

User Guide:

This was originally going to be something I put together just for my
own use but as others expressed interest in the idea I decided to 
release it. Final Burn Consoles is a build of Final Burn Legends that
contains only drivers for the home console systems currently supported by
FBA; the Sega Genesis, the Neo Geo AES console, and the Capcom CPS Changer.
FBC is also optimised to provide as authentic a recreation as possible
of playing games on these systems. Please see the FAQs below for more 


OM Browser:
    Digital Pad Up/Down: Select a game
    Left/Right trigger: Fast scroll
    A: Start a game
    Right Analog stick Left/Right: Cycle through screenshots
    White: Add/Remove from favorites
    Y: Go to top of the list
    Digital pad Left/Right: Selects a game in the next/previous letter
    of the alphabet
    Back: View arcade information 
    Start: View arcade images 

    Right Analog Stick click: Pause emulation

    Right Analog stick Up or A: Increase value or accept
    Right Analog stick Down or X: Decrease value
    B: Cancel or exit




Question: What's the point of this? Can't I just do the same thing by
playing with settings in FBL?

Answer: Yes. But this is for people that like the idea of having a separate
emulator for the home console variants of these systems.

Question: How is the Genesis driver better than NeoGenesis?

Answer: It isn't. Although it probably runs some pirate cartridges that
Neogenesis doesn't and I'm told the scanline filter is better.

Question: Why don't my FBL ROMs work?

Answer: Because FBC uses console ROM dumps where possible. These can be
built from a full FBL set. Check the DATs provided in the tools\ folder.

Question: Why are some Neo Geo games missing?

Answer: Because not all Neo Geo MVS arcade games were released as AES 
home console cartridges.

Question: CPS Ch... Wha?!

Answer: The CPS Changer was Capcom's answer to the home Neo Geo. It 
played specially modified CPS1 cartridges of which only 12 were ever
released. Use Google, there's a lot of good info available on this rare 

Question: Why use only one emulator? Why not just take a bunch of existing 
Xbox emulators and patch them into the FBL UI?

Answer: Don't be stupid. 


Many thanks to:

nes6502 for this excellent Xbox port of FBA.

iq_132 for the Xbox PGM drivers and countless other driver additions.

kenshiro for his updated drivers and fixes.

The Neosource community for many FBA code updates and fixes.

lantus for FBANext.

Neil222 for his help and the new default skin.

Special thanks to neoryu for his testing and support.

And to Alinky for her HDTV and patience.

Antirad for the great logo.

Kenshiro (Big thanks to him for the NeoGeo and other VM code). The
NeoGeo compatibility would be much lower without his code.

iq_132 for the PGM code and other help

Wac0 (Most of the GUI was done by him), Giles9999 (GUI), and anyone who
made a logo

Xport, FinalDave, and anyone who worked on any of the FBA PC versions or
Xbox ports.

Anyone I forgot.


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