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  • Release: New OGXBox Cerbios Disc By DarkDestiny


    DarkDestiny has released his new OGXBox Cerbios Boot Disc witch add support for the latest Cerbios alpha release with HD+ support.

    You can find links to the download in his release thread on the forums:


    This is disc started as a simple flasher made to make it easy as possible to flash the Cerbios.
    Now it's a fully grown installer which is up to date by this day.

    It not only provides every public available Cerbios bios in different flavors, it now provides
    you evey needed dash, app you name it.

    You have the option to launch this disc in 4 different modes:

    DHCP + Boot From Media Cerbios (BFM) bios.
    DHCP with your own bios which you have on the modchip/tsop.
    Static IP + Boot From Media Cerbios (BFM) bios.
    Static IP with your own bios which you have on the modchip/tsop.

    You also have the option to use XBlastOS, EvoX, GentooX or ResctooX to flash your modchip/tsop
    in any mode!

    This flasher also offers a simple option to go from a softmod to a TSOP flash for NTSC & PAL users.

    And it offers even more like the latest Team-Resurgent apps on it up to date to this posting.
    As well as apps from the XBox Preservation Project, Cerbios Intro Maker, CISO, Custom Cerbios Splash, Ram DeLimit & XBMC4Gamers / Emustation Artwork Stuff.

    UnleashX in a special version only available on this installer, Rocky5's latest XBMC4Gamers dash with additional skins and XBMC-Emustation build.
    There is also the option install/reinstall more apps (if needed). 

    And like you may know from the OGXBox-Installer this disc here provides every repair option you can think of. 



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