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  • Cerbios V2.4.2 Beta Released - Dual HDD Support

    Team Cerbios has just rolled out their latest release, V2.4.2 Beta, for the Original Xbox (versions 1.0 - 1.6). This update brings several significant improvements and requested Dual HDD feature.


    **What’s New in V2.4.2 Beta:**

    - **Splash Screen Fix:** The "Dogs Are Back" splash screen is now corrected.
    - **Dual HDD Support:** This update enhances dual HDD functionality, with optimized UDMA settings for better performance. The updated settings allow users to configure both master and slave drives with ease.

    - **LithiumX Update:** The latest version of LithiumX enables browsing of the second HDD.

    - **System Stability:** General improvements have been made to enhance overall system stability.


    **Important Notes on Dual HDD Support:**

    Dual HDD support is a new feature for the Original Xbox, and you might encounter some bugs. Team Cerbios encourages users to test and report any issues through their Discord channel. Custom formatting of the second HDD requires FATXplorer 3.0 beta 32 or higher this can be downloaded from https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/.


    **Dashboard and Software Updates:**

    To support dual HDD functionality, open-source dashboards need updates. Software without source code may require manual patching, and sharing patches with the community is encouraged.



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